This site is about privacy that's practical for most people.

If you've landed here, you've probably at least peered into the rabbit hole that is online privacy. And if you've peered, you may have started to realize just how deep it goes. You started out concerned that Google or Facebook know too much about you, and before you know it you're over your head in time-consuming techie details and brushing up against ideas that might seem a little extreme.

I'm not here to debate some of those positions and techniques. Actually, I agree with some of them. But that's not where most people are, and there is a need for simple resources for the everyman. For those who want to take practical steps to curb the worst abuses, but don't want those steps to consume their lives. Those who want to enhance their privacy while still engaging with society and connecting with friends and family. Those who want to limit their exposure to big tech but are not as concerned about their government.

I know I lost some of you with that last one. And there are reasons to be concerned about government. But for most of the English speaking world, the majority lie in this space I've outlined above. Those who want to exercise privacy practically.

Note that that there are differences, and also overlaps, between the topics of privacy, security, anonymity and data sovereignty/portability. I'll try to make it clear how I see those differences as they come up.